Cover letter
Producing high-quality work in your current role |
Second highest number of phone calls in the squad behind our phone specialist. Third highest number of chats. Highest number of follow up emails. I have also the second highest smiley rating in the squad and the highest number of conversions. |
A leader or strong team player |
Was a retail manager for 11 years leading large teams in Penneys. Love being a part of a team and get on with mostly everyone. |
An excellent detective who loves digging into tricky issues | Biggest buzz you can get in this job is when you figure something out for a merchant. Something that when they come in your head is spinning, but you go through it and figure it out. |
Supportive, friendly, helpful and humble - just lovely in general | This is what it will say on my gravestone. I don't like to brag, but I'm amazing at being humble. |
Comfortable with numbers or willing to take the time/effort to get the answer right | Pretty good at maths. |
A constant learner | Always looking to improve. Have a degree in business, just finished a masters in digital marketing strategy. Have completed numerous courses in my spare time. |
Great at asking questions | I ask a lot of questions. I’d rather know something than pretend to know it, but I do try to learn from the answer and try not to have to keep asking the same questions. |
Able to balance between what's best for the merchant and for Shopify | I see my priority to look out for the merchant, but only within what is also good for Shopify. If I believe someone is worth a trial extension, or a credit, or a refund I will fight for them if I believe it will be in the long term interest of Shopify. |
A self-starting hard worker who loves a challenge | Self motivated. I am always looking to improve. Have created a travel website at entirely on my own. Got to the final twenty of new frontiers with an idea for an app business. Like to try new things. |
Comfortable adapting to frequent change | In the guru role I have had to adapt to frequent change for the last year and believe I have rolled with it quite well. In this industry you need to thrive on change or you will get left behind. For Shopify, if they are not prepared to race ahead and break things as they go, then they will get caught by competitors and the same applies for your role within Shopify, you need to be prepared to be constantly changing and learning. |
Excellent communicator and educator | I’m a quiet enough guy. I will never be the loudest in the room but I’m ok with that. But I am a good communicator and I believe I am a good teacher. One of my favourite parts of my role as a manager was helping staff and other managers along and investing time into their progress and advancement. In Shopify, the rare occasion where someone in the squad doesn’t know something that I do, I enjoy helping out in Slack. |
Good with confidential information | My lips are sealed. |
Autonomous and impactful | Happy working on my own or as part of a team. I probably get my best work done when left to it but with a team to ask for support when needed. |